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This report is brought to you by Becky - owner of John (Phoonist D'Noodist). Please email the preceding address if you have any questions or comments.

The opinions expressed are those of the person(s) who submitted the report and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NetNude.

NetNude Gathering Report 2004 at
Caliente Resort in Florida

March 2004

I was snoozing comfortably on my couch (which I do most of the time) when there was a banging on the door of my master’s motorhome. After I woofed a few times, he opened the door and was told by a nice security man that Paris Hilton would be ariving shortly and parking next to us. We were told "no pictures". My master said he wasn’t picky, anyone could park next to us that wanted to as long as they behaved themselves.

A bit later a whole parade of people and vehicles arrived. Eventually there was an Airstream trailer with fancy pink and green exterior lights parked next to us. No tow car left there however. All was quiet there for the rest of the nite.

In the morning a big mob descended on the site next door with tv cameras, microphones and all sorts of other stuff. I saw Nichol Richie come out and go to the motorhome across the street where there was considerable discussion. In doing so she let a doggie out of the airstream and it came over to see me. I promptly stuck my nose where doggies do, and found that the doggie, while fluffy and with a bit of an attitude, smelled just like all other dogs. There was one big difference. I am forced to be on a leash in campgrounds and my master has to clean up my poop. This rich little doggie operated with a different set of rules--no leash and it dumped wherever it wanted with no one cleaning up after it. It did have one of Paris’s go-fers following it and keeping a watchful eye on it. It wandered all over the place. (I being on my leash, couldn’t follow it.) After it returned and we exchanged a few more intimate sniffs. I concluded that the doggies’ attitude might be improved a bit with a good enema.

One of the go-fers came over to our motorhome and wanted to know if Paris and Nichol could use our shower. My master thought a bit about that strange request. He later told me that he thought they were very rich and famous and didn’t need to be mooching a shower; there had to be a shower in their Airstream; and there was a public (but open to public view) shower nearby. He said "No". A lot of his friends from NetNude thought that was stupid decision; and he even got a stupid award for it. But I learned from later newspaper articles that they finally got someone to let them use his shower in a townhouse--and they left a big mess--maybe not such a stupid decision after all.

I was told that the NetNude gang saw them returning from the townhouse shower wrapped in towels and surrounded by TV cameras. Apparently that was as nude as they got. The whole NetNude gang got their pictures taken on their morning walk, and again many times during the day at the pool. The TV crews especially liked my master riding his little handicap scooter bare assed and they took several shots of him. Guess I will be able to see all of them on TV whenever the show airs.

The name of the show is "The Simple Life." It apparently has to do with Nichol and Paris being penniless and having to mooch and work, hence the mooching of the shower. The newspapers said they interviewed for a job as maids at Calient and were hired. They even brought their own skimpy little maid outfits (thought they were supposed to be down on there luck and would not be traveling with maid suits). They and the real maid apparently cleaned the rooms of several my master’s NetNude friends (wonder how much real work Paris did?).

Late in the afternoon, they came to the pool area, dressed in street clothes, and there was some sort of presentation involving the Caliente General Manager who was nude. Then the mob went back to the Airstream where they stayed until about 8PM shooting lots more video in the Airstream.

I was a bit surprised that Paris is choosing to work in a TV show, as she sure doesn’t need the money. It is hard work--they were "on camera" for about 12 hours that day.

At 8:30 that evening the caravan and entourage left Caliente and I was able to resume my snoozing without all the commotion next door.

Becky the Dog

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