NetNude Logo Harbin Hot Springs,
California, Report
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This report is brought to you by Tim & Olga.

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Harbin Hot Springs in Middletown, California.

September, 2000.

We have just got back home from a visit to Harbin Hot Springs in Middletown, CA - a couple of hours north of San Francisco and just 40 minutes from Calistoga, at the northern end of beautiful Napa Valley. We were just driving through Napa and decided to try Harbin at the last minute, on the chance that they may have vacancies. We were lucky and managed to get the last room.

Harbin is not set up as a Nudist or Naturist venue but sells itself rather as a retreat that allows (and even encourages) nudity anywhere on the property, with a few exceptions, such as the restaurant areas. We were greeted at the gate in a very friendly manner; the security guard checked in his computer for availability and directed us to drive (very slowly) up to the office. Once again, we were treated in an exceptionally friendly way by the office staff and given a double bed with a half-bathroom (no shower) for the Saturday night rate of $135.00 plus a monthly membership fee of $5.00. There are many accommodations to select from; varying from the campground (no R.V.'s) up to fairly luxurious fully-equipped cabins.

We both have just turned 50 and we were surprised to see only a few other couples in our age group. There were many singles and couples in their early, mid and late 20's, the bulk of the guests appeared to be in their 30's and 40's. There were a few children there during the day but they all disappeared after dark. We had a great dinner at the restaurant, good food, no alcohol and, thankfully, no smoking of anything anywhere. I believe that there are a total of 5 pools all naturally heated - 3 together provide most of the action after dark. The largest is at a very pleasant temperature - we spent most of our time there. The next one was very much smaller and blazing hot! - we lasted no more than a couple of minutes there! The third one up was a cold plunge - very refreshing. The pools are constantly being replenished and are full of nutrients and natural minerals. There is even an arsenic (ARSENIC!?) foot bath. Quiet is maintained throughout the (three) pool areas with whispering only in the larger pool.

The crowds there were very friendly and most are there to 'get the cure', some physical, some psychological. Statues of Buddha (?) were scattered around and some paid homage in passing.

I am somewhat of a Philistine when it comes to holistic medicines and cures. I cannot say that it was my cup of tea and found it to be a venue for the children and grand-children of the Sixties Era. Not so my wife! She thoroughly enjoyed it and has asked to go back. It appears we differ widely - we had a wonderful 3 days at The Desert Shadows in Palm Springs that I enjoyed immensely but she disliked the feeling of being 'walled in'. Although she realizes that it is inevitable to have walls for clothes optional use in a downtown area --- there are no walls here and she loved it. Nature abounds - with many squirrels and other assorted wildlife including turkeys and full grown deer grazing on the lawns.

Overall we had a great weekend, as I say - not my cup of tea but I would be happy to take 'The Boss' back at any time.

Tim & Olga in Foster City, CA.

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